How we prepare our students for successful transition from our academy to further study, college, apprenticeships and work.
Our academy is dedicated to developing high aspirations for all our students. We ensure that Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) is at the heart of our curriculum, ensuring that all our students have the knowledge and skills to support their continued education and training post-16.
During their time at our academy students in years 9-11 will go on work experience, visit local businesses, have mock interviews, learn how to write a CV and complete college applications, have one-to-one meetings with a careers adviser and go on college visits.
Our students in years 8-11:
• find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point
• hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options evenings, assemblies and group discussions and taster events
• understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Careers support and guidance at our academy is led by Millie Andrews
t: 01945 479704
Millie works alongside the local authority’s Transition Advisor.

For further advice and careers support, you can also try:
- Youth Employment UK - offers lots of support about how to get a first job, free training and tips on how to boost your life skills.
- All About School Leavers - an online careers advice service and contains articles, CV and interview tips as well as a jobs board where you can find apprenticeship vacancies. The website has advice for school leavers, as well as dedicated sections with info for parents and carers. Try their career test which helps school leavers match their personalities and interests with possible careers.
- Get My First Job - offers young people a whole new way to find apprenticeships and opportunities to get ahead. From traineeships to apprenticeships, it typically has over 10,000 vacancies across the country and connects you with the best employers and training providers to get you on the right track faster.
- Shaw Trust - a national charity which supports disabled and disadvantaged people to prepare for work, find jobs and live more independently. t: 0345 234 9675
- National Careers Service - provides free information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work opportunities. The service offers confidential, helpful and impartial advice, supported by qualified careers advisers. From developing your CV to improving your interview skills, its website has lots of useful tools to help you make the right choices about your future. t: 0800 100 900
- Not Going to Uni - a website dedicated to helping young people make informed decisions about their future by showing the opportunities that exist outside of university. 0203 691 2800
Olive Academies measures the impact of the career advice offered to our students through careful analysis of our student destinations data. This information about where our Year 11 leavers go on to study and work after leaving our academy is examined by the Academy Advisory Board and academy leaders. Olive Academies also actively seeks feedback from our students on the careers advice they receive and reviews our careers information at least annually.
Please also have a look at to our academy’s careers policy.

Our approach
Inspiring, active purposeful learning. We offer a broad and ambitious curriculum delivered using project-based learning.

Behaviour and attendance guidance
Our academy community is a place where young people can thrive, learn and achieve their best.

Supporting students with SEND
Our academy is an inclusive community. Find out more about the support we offer.